Aquatics General Information
Summer is around the corner! Starting kids out young to love the water is not only the safe thing to do, but also gives them a great outlet to improve their health.
Guests Policy
Guest Fee: $11 per guest/ per program (i.e. 1 Clinic = 1 Program
Baby Sitter Pass: $150
10 - Pass Guest Card: $94 - Available for purchase at the Pro Shop
You may bring the same pool guest a maximum of 6 times a month
There is a limit of 6 guests. Members must accompany guests at all times.
There is no fee for out of town guests who are staying with a year-round member
Pool Hours Summer/ Fall 2024 Season/ Winter 2025:
Pool Hours:
May 18 - June 12
Monday - Thursday: 4 pm - 7 pm
Friday: 4 pm - 8 pm
Saturday: 11 am - 8 pm
Sunday: 11 am - 7 pm
June 13 - August 25
Daily: 10 am - 8 pm
August 26- September 15
Weekdays: 4 pm - 7 pm (Dive Well Only)
Weekends: 12 pm - 7 pm (Whole Pool)
Memorial & Labor Day
Monday: 11 am - 7 pm (Whole Pool)
September 16-29 (NO LIFEGUARDS)
Monday - Thursday: 4 pm - 7 pm (Dive Well Only)
Friday: 4 pm - 7 pm (Whole Pool)
Weekends: 12 pm - 7 pm (Whole Pool)
ADULT LAP SWIM - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 am to 8:00 am - begins June 18, 2024.
Pool usage without lifeguards:
policies and procedures
This is an update on pool operations as we move forward without lifeguards, including the rules and policies surrounding their use. The pool will be available for lap swimming. Here are the steps and conditions for use of the pool by members:
Download from the app store the app named ProDataKey. This app is necessary for you to use to unlock the gate each time you are granted access. You won’t be able to do anything with the app until we email you a link to activate this app for you with your credentials, which we have in our database. This email will only happen after you sign the waiver and release form.
Next, signing of the waiver and release form can only happen at the pro shop during shop hours. Once the release is signed, you may book your lap lane time in one of 3 ways:
1. Stop in and create a booking with our pro shop staff;
2. Call the pro shop and book a lap time;
3. Book a time for yourself on Court Reserve.
If you do this online or over the phone, remember that you must also stop by the pro shop to sign the waiver prior to any swimming. There are 8 lanes that are available, and you will find them visible when you go to your Court Reserve app and look under Reservations; from there, scroll down and you’ll see Lap Swim Lanes. Select this and then pick your time and your lane.
Once you have a signed waiver and you’ve chosen a day and time you wish to swim, our staff will provide you access by sending you an email that you need to open up on the device you intend to use to open up the gate (your phone). In this email, you’ll have an activate button you’ll click on. This will take you to the app so that you can set up your own password, and we’ll see you have access to it.
Once we know you have access to your PDK app, we will enter in the day and time frame you wish to swim laps onto the system, and then you will be able to use your app on your phone to open up the gate on that day only and only for that time period. You will hold your phone next to the digital card reader on the right side of the gate latch, where a red light should be showing. Important: YOUR BLUETOOTH MUST BE ENABLED FOR THE APP ON YOUR PHONE TO WORK. For your first time, it may take a few seconds of you holding your phone there. Once it works, you see the red light turn orange, then green, and hear a clicking sound as the gate latch opens up. That’s all there is to it.
Once you are in, the gate closes automatically, so please don’t try to pull it close or hinder it from closing, and DO NOT KEEP SOMETHING IN THE GATEWAY TO KEEP IT OPEN! You may now set your clothes and belongings down and go about enjoying your lap time. The time slots are in 1-hour increments, but you may always stay longer so long as someone else isn’t waiting to swim in that lane. For now, we don’t expect any need for circular swimming (where 2-4 swimmers are in each lane swimming at the same time in a circular pattern, about ½ lane’s length distance apart), but there’s always the possibility it could happen. If a situation occurs where your time is up, all the other lanes are full, and someone new has arrived to swim in your lane, you should always ask if they wouldn’t mind circular swimming at the same time before assuming you may swim along with them. That is common courtesy among lap swimmers.
Once finished swimming, you can exit the gate by pushing on the emergency release bar located on the gate.
The outside bathrooms are to be opened for you to use for showering or changing. The main lobby bathrooms should not be accessed if you come in with a wet bathing suit. Please be respectful of this policy. If you want to use the main locker rooms, please dry off first before entering the main clubhouse.
Rules and policies
Use of the pool without lifeguards is for lap swimming only and for members 16 years old and older. Guests may be allowed only after signing the waiver.
All members and their guests must have a signed waiver and release form on file each year before using the pool for lap swimming. Anyone under the age of 18 (16 or 17 years old) must have a waiver and release form signed by their parent or legal guardian.
Members may sign up for a lap lane for themselves only and register at the pro shop each time they wish you swim laps. Once each member checks in at the pro shop, they’ll be given their gate credentials, which will allow them entry into the pool deck for the time period they specify. It is not permitted to have two people enter the deck area with only one person’s credentials. In order for us to keep records of who is using the pool, we ask that you open the gate using your phone for yourself only, allow the gate to close, and then the next person can use their phone to open it up for themselves. As overly controlling as this may seem, we ask that you comply with this so we keep records of each person’s use of the pool.
The first and last lap assignments are the following for the specific days:
Mon-Thurs: 7:30 am to 3 pm (you’ll need to exit the pool by 4 pm).
Friday: 7:30 am to 5 pm (you’ll need to exit the pool by 6 pm).
Sat & Sun: 7:30 am to 4 pm (you’ll need to exit the pool by 5 pm).
Finally, we are working on a schedule for some family weekends in October and November, with lifeguards, and some fun activities for families to enjoy the pool, even with cool weather. We hope you'll enjoy those events.